Sci-Fi Comedy
A young man’s life is suddenly and inexplicably derailed, as he finds himself at the mercy of automated ‘justice’.
Directed by
K.D. Dávila
Written by
K.D. Dávila, Omer Levin Menekse
Tamara Marie Watson
Daniel Edward Mora
Papá Torres
Doreen Calderon
Mamá Torres
Diego Najera
Erick Lopez
Ruben Dávila
Guillermo Lima
John Alton
Ben Saperstein
Greg Karber
Automated Public Defender (voice)
Dani Messerschmidt
Correcticorp AI (voice)
Shaun S. Sutton
"Ready-To-Win" Commercial (voice)
Devon Dávila
Rubina Dávila
Nadia Trinidad

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