Drama Comedy Crime
A group of misfits decide to leave for a place that they can all be free. Their mode of transportation is a PBY flying boat. The only problem is that the PBY needs a lot of work and they will need jobs to pay for the parts. When they find that they have only 10 days before the PBY is sold for scrap, they decide on borrowing the parts for their trip
Directed by
Alan Myerson
Written by
David S. Ward
Jane Fonda
Iris Caine
Donald Sutherland
Jesse Veldini
John Savage
Peter Boyle
Eagle Thornberry
Tony Bill
Howard Hesseman
Frank Veldini
Roger Bowen
Fire Commissioner Francis
Lynette Bernay
Bar Waitress
Beans Morocco
Rocky (as Dan Barrows)
Garry Goodrow
Duval Jax
Nancy Fish
Pool Hall Waitress
Mel Stewart
Black Man in Jail
Jessica Myerson
Savage Rose
Morgan Upton
Bill the Police Captain
Nick Gravenites

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