Drama Romance
The countryside, Sawai village, beyond the single- rail terminal station . The fields are spread out here, and there is a huge shopping mall nearby. Chihiro who lives here is still a virgin because Arasa is greeted because she pursued her ideal boyfriend too much. Tachihiro, who thinks it's not good to keep on pleading, calls a humane harmless serious man, Kyohei, who works at the same village office, and invites him to a love hotel, but because they are virgins and virgins who only know sex seen in adult videos, they remain awkward It ends in failure. One day, in the village office, we will hold a marriage hunting party to revitalize the youth and to eliminate depopulation in the whole region . Since women may not be gathering, women at the government office will participate while falling at the end of the day. The small romance pattern in the government office is now crossing.
Directed by
Yûjirô Ozeki
Written by
Junichi Inoue
Mikako Abe
Chihiro Hatakeyama
Suzume Hirose
Sousuke Yamamoto
Beretta Kuroiwa
Hirokio Andô
Man A
Misa Wada
Marriage-hunting seminar instructor
Sumire Mihara
Reiko Ayanami
Ryuki Nishimoto
Yûnosuke Ogasawara
Moe Sakura
Kyôhei's mother
Banshô Shinra
Kyôhei's father (in shadow)
Yuma Tsukigase
Midoriko Nemoto
Yohei Ichikawa
Kyôhei Jôdo
Darling Ishikawa
Michiaki Sawamura
Masamitsu Kani
Ryôji Yamato
Miyû Sudô
Fumino Hatakeyama

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