Drama Romance
Shinichi and his younger wife, Saki (Marina Yuuri), are newly married, but Shinichi's thin salary makes life difficult and Saki is looking for a part. After that, Saki, who won the public corporation apartment that she applied for in commemoration of her engagement, becomes close to a woman named Mika who lives in the room next to her and lives with her unemployed husband. One day, Mika learned that Saki was looking for a part, and brought a bottle of umeshu, which her parents had made. And Saki knows that this plum wine is Mika's source of income that supports her husband who is unable to get a job...
Directed by
Kazuyoshi Sekine
Written by
Kazuyoshi Sekine
Seiji Nakamitsu
Hisashi Ono
Yôko Satomi
Mika Takeuchi
Hirokio Andô
Takahiro Yamauchi
Shin'ya Orikasa
Dr. Yokouchi / Hajime / Electrical worker
Maina Yuuri
Saki Izumo
Yuka Asami
Yûri Miwa
Atsushi Tsuda
Shin'ichi Izumo
Yasushi Takemoto
Naoya Takeuchi

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