Horror Thriller Mystery
Troubled divorcee Mary Kee is tormented by a series of sinister phone calls from a mysterious woman. When the stranger reveals she's calling from the past, Mary tries to break off contact. But the caller doesn't like being ignored, and looks for revenge in a unique and terrifying way...
Directed by
Matthew Parkhill
Written by
Sergio Casci
Luis Guzmán
Rachelle Lefevre
Mary Kee
Jon Bailey
Announcer (uncredited)
Stephen Moyer
John Guidi
Ed Quinn
Lorna Raver
Rose Lazar
Brian Tester
Attorney Kirby
Gladys Rodríguez
Concetta Guidi
Sunshine Logroño
John Guidi, Sr.
Jo Wyatt
Young Mary (voice)
Aris Mejias
Young Woman
Marisé Álvarez
Nurse (uncredited)
Cordelia González
Alfredo de Quesada
Attorney Davis
Lydia Echevarría
Old Woman
Guillermo Valedón
Witness (uncredited)
Ramiro 'Ramir' Delgado Ruiz
Waiter (uncredited)
Leonardo Castro Sitiriche
Fire Dancer (uncredited)
Grace Connelly
Dr. Hain
José E. Hernández
French Teacher
Sandra Rodríguez Rivera
Adriana Benitez
Young Mary (voice)
David Rittenhouse
Real Estate agent (uncredited)
José Cotté
Social Services Clerk (uncredited)
Abimael Linares
Young Man (uncredited)
Wilfred Omar Perez
Young Guy (uncredited)

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