Drama Romance Comedy
Kei is the experienced leader of a team of pickpockets — also known as "Sparrows" in HK slang. He enjoys a carefree lifestyle taking photos. One day a dashing beauty, Chun-Lei, suddenly appears in Kei's viewfinder. Kei is mesmerized. But behind Chun-Lei's attractive facade lies a mysterious past and a mission to set herself free.
Directed by
Johnnie To
Simon Yam
Kelly Lin Hsi-Lei
Chung Chun Lei
Lam Ka-Tung
Lam Suet
Kenneth Cheung Moon-Yuen
Lo Hoi-pang
Mr. Fu Kim-Tong
Henry Lo Chun-Shun
Mr. Fu's Henchman
Courtney Wu
Henchman (uncredited)
Jonathan Lee Yat-Sing
Boy in Cap
Tang Tai-Wo
Mover in Elevator
Jackson Ha Chak-Shun
Mr. Fu's Bodyguard
Cheung Chi-Ping
Hung Wai-Leung
Chiang Lo
Old Pickpocket
Tong Pau-Chung
Old Pickpocket
Chris Chung
Manjit Singh
Mover in Elevator
Ernst Mausser
Tourist (uncredited)
Yee-Yee Yeung

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