Horror Drama TV Movie
An awkward, telekinetic teenage girl's lonely life is dominated by relentless bullying at school and an oppressive religious fanatic mother at home. When her tormentors pull a humiliating prank at the senior prom, she unleashes a horrifying chaos on everyone, leaving nothing but destruction in her wake.
Directed by
David Carson
Jodelle Ferland
Little Carrie
Katharine Isabelle
Tina Blake
Patricia Clarkson
Margaret White
Rena Sofer
Miss Desjarden
Emilie de Ravin
Christine Hargenson
Kandyse McClure
Sue Snell
David Keith
Det. John Mulchaey
Erin Karpluk
Michael Kopsa
John Hargenson
Chelan Simmons
Helen Shyres
Steve Byers
Roy Evarts
Angela Bettis
Carrie White
David Neale
Officer Plessy
Bill Dow
Mr. Scharnhorst
Laurie Murdoch
Principal Morton
Tobias Mehler
Tommy Ross
Meghan Black
Norma Watson
Michaela Mann
Estelle Horan
Randy Lee
Malcolm Scott
Jackie Talbot
Jesse Cadotte
Billy Nolan
Sean Tyler Foley
Lou Garson
Miles Meadows
Kenny Garson
Deborah DeMille
Estelle's Mother
Andrew Robb
Danny Erbter
Cascy Beddow
Obnoxious Student
Irene Miscisco

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