Animation Family Comedy
Circleen the elf girl and her comical mouse pals, Ingolf and Frederik, live under the geraniums on an artist's balcony. Their idyllic lives are interrupted when they meet the myopic Cindermouse, whose grumpy dad refuses to hold her birthday and instead locks her up in a box. Short, plump, cheese-loving Ingolf is forced to act and to show that he is a real hero.
Directed by
Jannik Hastrup
Jesper Klein
Sidse's Grandfather
Ditte Gråbøl
Mille's Mom (voice)
Claus Ryskjær
Mille's Dad (Voice)
Otto Brandenburg
The Earth Rat
Pernille Højmark
Gabriella (voice)
Tommy Kenter
The Earth Rat P
Ida Marie Christensen
Circleen (Voice)
Janne Britt Hansen
Fredrik (voice)
Niklas Ingemann
Ingolf (voice)
Anne Clausen
Sidse (voice)
Joachim Boje Helvang
Hassan (voice)

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