Crime Drama Mystery Thriller
This new installment in the popular and critically-acclaimed Donald Strachey Mystery series finds America’s favorite gay private investigator, Donald Strachey (Chad Allen), taking on the most complicated case of his career. After his long-time partner, Tim (Sebastian Spence), asks him to uncover the source of an anonymous and generous donation to the Albany youth center, he gets caught in a whirlwind of deceit and danger. When the lawyer who presented the donation turns up dead, the hard-boiled Strachey must race against the clock to capture the killer before he strikes again."
Directed by
Ron Oliver
Written by
Ron McGee
Nelson Wong
Kenny Kwon
Jason Poulsen
Jake Lenigan
Adrian Holmes
Brittney Wilson
Sherry Miller
Joan Lenigan
Sebastian Spence
Tim Callahan
Myron Natwick
Brian Lenigan
Sebastien Roberts
Frank Zaillian
Daryl Shuttleworth
Detective Bailey
Chad Allen
Donald Strachey

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