Animation Action Adventure Crime Fantasy
Bruce Wayne faces a deadly menace from his past, with the help of three former classmates: world-renowned martial artists Richard Dragon, Ben Turner and Lady Shiva.
Directed by
Sam Liu
Written by
Jeremy Adams
Michael Jai White
Ben Turner / Bronze Tiger (voice)
Grey DeLisle
Lady Eve (voice)
Mark Dacascos
Richard Dragon (voice)
Jamie Chung
Jade (voice)
David Giuntoli
Bruce Wayne / Batman (voice)
James Hong
O-Sensei (voice)
Kelly Hu
Lady Shiva (voice)
Josh Keaton
Jeffrey Burr (voice)
Eric Bauza
Axe Gang Leader (voice)
Dennis O'Neil
Robin Atkin Downes
Schlangenfaust (voice)
Erica Luttrell
Silver St. Cloud (voice)
Patrick Seitz
King Snake (voice)
Chris Cox
Rip Jagger (voice)
Walt Simonson

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