Drama Romance
Na-yeong is studying to be able to find a job. Studying alone is not easy but she still spends time alone. When she found out that her friend Ji-hee's grades have improved a lot while studying, she seduced her friend Yeong-bin and took off her clothes, asking him to join her. But Ji-hee's studying was different than I thought. A study forced to have sex. Na-yeong meets Min-soo in a new study and quickly starts to adapt to a new study. Will their unique classes end well? The delicious and bitter story of two different men and women just begins.
Directed by
Choi Jin-chul
Kim Soo-ji
Ji-hui (지희)
Kang Seo
Yeong-bin (영빈)
Hae Il
Min-soo (민수)
Ha Ra
Na-yeong (나영)

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