Drama Comedy
Osvaldo and Mabel, an Argentine couple exiled for political reasons in the United States, travel to their country of origin after ten years to reconnect with their family and friends, including Mabel's brother and his wife. Mabel offers her brother the possibility of working in New York in order to improve their economic situation, but his wife is opposed to that idea.
Directed by
Juan José Jusid
Written by
Nelly Fernández Tiscornia, Juan José Jusid
Frank Vincent
Luis Brandoni
Alberto Busaid
Hugo Arana
Patricio Contreras
El negro - cuñado
Marta Bianchi
Leonor Manso
Yoli - cuñada
Jorge Rivera López
Alejo Garcia Pintos
Mario Luciani
Gabriela Flores
Paula Natalizio
Debbie Better
Marzenka Novak
Jorge Paccini
Aldo Piccione
Horacio Minujen
Amanda Beitía
Ana María Ambas
Elbio Galván

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