Horror Thriller
A traumatic experience leads to a break-up between a young married couple. In a desperate attempt to save their marriage, Andrey, the husband, seeks help from a psychic named Mara. His only wish is to make his wife Olga forget the past. Mara's magic works, but the second honeymoon soon turns into a living nightmare... Andrey gradually recognizes that he is dealing with a powerful evil that possesses his wife, and the price of the psychic's service is Olga’s life.
Directed by
Alexey Kazakov
Aleksandra Revenko
Stepan Devonin
Marina Vasilyeva
Mariya Karpova
Natalya Dedeyko
The girl's mother
Anatoli Zhuravlyov
The old man
Lyubov Firsova
museum worker
Sergey Cherdantsev
High thief
Nikita Tezov
Mariya Abramova
A girl
Konstantin Gvozdkov
The old man in his youth
Ivan Dergachev
Dmitry Belysh
Low thief
Alexander Firsanov
Big thief
Lilia Razakova
concert manager
Aleksandr Vorobyov

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