Action Drama
They are perhaps the most influential duo in sports entertainment with crazy antics outside the ring backed up with dominant performances inside. Both Shawn Michaels and Triple H were highly successful on their own, but when they came together as D-Generation X, they were nearly unstoppable. Now fans can relive their final run as a team from late 2009 and 2010.
John Cena
John Cena
Don Johnson
Self (archive footage)
Cody Runnels
Paul Lévesque
Triple H
Bob Barker
Self (archive footage)
Randy Orton
Mark Calaway
The Undertaker
Serena Deeb
Serena (archive footage)
Stephen Farrelly
Nick Nemeth
Dolph Ziggler
Jerry Lawler
Mike Chioda
Lilián García
Lilian Garcia
Drew Hankinson
Luke Gallows
Michael Hickenbottom
Shawn Michaels
Chris Mordetzky
Chris Masters (archive footage)
Michael Coulthard
Michael Cole
Ted DiBiase Jr.
Ted DiBiase (archive footage)
John Cone

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