Comedy Drama
7,000 passengers are stranded in the small town of Gander, Newfoundland after all flights into the US are grounded on September 11, 2001. Filmed live on stage at the Gerald Schoenfeld Theater in New York City.
Directed by
Christopher Ashley
Q. Smith
Hannah / Others
Emily Walton
Janice / Others
Tony LePage
Kevin T. / Garth / Others
Petrina Bromley
Bonnie / Others
Jenn Colella
Beverly / Annette / Others
Jim Walton
Nick / Others
Joel Hatch
Claude / Others
Astrid Van Wieren
Beulah / Others
Caesar Samayoa
Kevin J. / Ali / Others
Paul Whitty
Oz / Others
Sharon Wheatley
Diane / Others
De'Lon Grant
Bob / Others

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