Drama Romance
Young Alisa is fed up with her life in Moscow, and moves to St. Petersburg. Her roommates in the collective flat are two junkies, Vel and her boyfriend Valera the Dead Man. First they fight, but soon the two women form a friendship. Together they even go after the Petersburg underworld when Dead Man is abducted because he can't pay his debts.
Directed by
Igor Voloshin
Written by
Olga Larionova
Artur Smolyaninov
Valera "The Dead"
Mikhail Evlanov
Olga Sutulova
Tatyana Tkach
mistress of apartment
Mariya Shalaeva
Roman Radov
Tatyana Samoylova
Margarita Ivanovna
Leonid Voron
Tatyana Ryabokon
Vadim Franchuk
Oleg Garkusha
Anastasiya Dyukova
Andrey Khabarov
Sergey Sobolev
Vadim Amirkhanov
"The Ginger"
Vladimir Sorokolita
Amy Diana Pieterse
"The Mouse"
Pavel Sergienko

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