Animation Thriller Family Music Horror
Night in an old mill is dramatically depicted in this Oscar-winning short in which the frightened occupants, including birds, timid mice, owls, and other creatures try to stay safe and dry as a storm approaches. As the thunderstorm worsens, the mill wheel begins to turn and the whole mill threatens to blow apart until at last the storm subsides.
Directed by
Graham Heid, Wilfred Jackson
Clarence Nash
Frogs (voice) (uncredited)
Elvia Allman
Birds / Singer (voice) (uncredited)
Marie Arbuckle
Singer (voice) (uncredited)
Jean MacMurray
Crickets (voice) (uncredited)
Louise Myers
Birds (voice) (uncredited)
Marta Nielsen
Singer (voice) (uncredited)
Jerry Philipps
Singer (voice) (uncredited)
Barbara Whitson
Singer (voice) (uncredited)
Beatrice Hagen
Singer (voice) (uncredited)

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