Comedy Drama
Sakamichi Onoda is a high school student. He is an otaku, who loves animation and he is also a loner. Although he isn't good in sports, he decides to enroll in the bicycle racing club. Unexpectedly, he finds that he has a talent for bicycle racing. For the first time, he has a friend. Sakamichi Onoda exceeds his limits and finds pleasure in the sport of bicycle racing.
Directed by
Koichiro Miki
Written by
Koichiro Miki, Rino Itaya
Kentaro Ito
Ren Nagase
Shuntaro Yanagi
Kanna Hashimoto
Miki Kanzaki
Ryota Bando
Ryo Ryusei
Inoue Mizuki
Sarutoki Minagawa
Ken Sugawara

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