Mystery Drama Crime
Hans Baerlach is a Swiss police detective who has dedicated much of his career to pursuing powerful and allegedly murderous businessman Richard Gastmann. Though Baerlach's partner meets his demise while investigating Gastmann, his replacement, Walter Tschanz, is undaunted. Meanwhile, the lovely Anna Crawley becomes involved in the case, which proceeds to take many twists and turns.
Directed by
Maximilian Schell
Written by
Maximilian Schell, Roberto De Leonardis, Friedrich Dürrenmatt
Donald Sutherland
Corpse of Lt. Robert Schmied (uncredited)
Jon Voight
Walter Tschanz
Jacqueline Bisset
Anna Crawley
Robert Shaw
Richard Gastmann
Gabriele Ferzetti
Dr. Lutz
Maximilian Schell
Rita Calderoni
Lil Dagover
Gastmann's Mother
Helmut Qualtinger
Von Schwendi
Norbert Schiller
Dr. Hungertobel
Pinchas Zukerman
Violinist (uncredited)
Guido Cerneglia
Willy Hügli
Margarete Schell-von Noé
Frau Schönler

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