Action Drama
Taking place at Skyway Studios in Nashville, Tennessee, the sixteenth annual Slammiversary event will be crowning a new IMPACT World Champion as Ace Austin, Eddie Edwards, Trey, and a yet to be announced competitor fight it out in a four-way match for the vacant title. Also, Jordynne Grace defends the IMPACT Knockouts Championship against Deonna Purazzo, and Moose takes on hardcore legend Tommy Dreamer in an Old School Rules match for the "Self-Proclaimed" TNA World Heavyweight Championship.
Holly Letkeman
Julian Micevski
Ethan Page
Latasha Harris
Tasha Steelz
Austin Highley
Ace Austin
Patricia Forrest Gresham
Jordynne Grace
Joshua Lemay
Josh Alexander
Trey McBrayer
Deonna Kupryk
Deonna Purrazzo
Quinn Ojinnaka
Eric Maher
Eddie Edwards
Vannarah Riggs
Jessica Cricks
Tom Laughlin
Tommy Dreamer
Kiera Hogan
Samuel Alton Johnston
Sami Callihan
Joseph Dorgan
Johnny Swinger
Chris Bey
Ashley Lomberger
Madison Rayne
Ken Kilpatrick
Ken Shamrock
Kira Magnin-Forster
Taya Valkyrie
Alisha Inacio Maher
Alisha Edwards
Willie McClinton Jr.
Willie Mack
Beth Vocke-Crist
Kimberly Ann Frankele
Kimber Lee
Brianna Rae Sparrey
Kylie Rae

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