Animation Drama Family
A young third grader named Molly Conway suffers depression when she finds out about her parents are getting divorced. She tries everything to get them together, but mostly backfires and eventually accepts their departure.
Directed by
Bill Melendez, Steven Cuitlahuac Melendez
Henry Winkler
Carl Conway (voice)
Rhea Perlman
Rose Johnson (voice)
Danny DeVito
George Johnson (voice)
Carrie Fisher
Alice Conway (voice)
June Foray
Keri Houlihan
Molly's Daughter (voice)
Carl Steven
Woody Coleman (voice) (as Carl Stevens)
Carol Burnett
Narrator (voice)
Brett Johnson
What's-His-Name (voice)
Jeremy Schoenberg
Joey Fabrizio (voice)
Bill Scott
Gini Holtzman
Mary O'Connell (voice)
Cassandra Coblentz
Molly Conway (voice)
Danny Colby
Tommy Johnson (voice)
Karrie Ullman
Darlene Kashitani (voice)
Dana Ferguson
Dom Fabrizio (voice)

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