Drama Comedy
Jack McCall is a fast-talking literary agent, who can close any deal, any time, any way. He has set his sights on New Age guru Dr. Sinja for his own selfish purposes. But Dr. Sinja is on to him, and Jack’s life comes unglued after a magical Bodhi tree mysteriously appears in his backyard. With every word Jack speaks, a leaf falls from the tree and he realizes that when the last leaf falls, both he and the tree are toast. Words have never failed Jack McCall, but now he’s got to stop talking and conjure up some outrageous ways to communicate or he’s a goner.
Directed by
Brian Robbins
Written by
Steve Koren
Nicolas Cage
Eddie Murphy
Jack McCall
Ariel Winter
Lila (uncredited)
Allison Janney
Samantha Davis
Kerry Washington
Caroline McCall
John Witherspoon
Blind Man
Edi Patterson
Young Female Agent
Cliff Curtis
Dr. Sinja
Clark Duke
Aaron Wiseberger
Jack McBrayer
Starbucks' Barista
Greg Collins
Construction Worker
Sara Holden
Floyd Levine
Man on Pier
Jill Basey
Woman in Starbucks
Lennie Loftin
Robert Gilmore
Alain Chabat
Christian Leger de la Touffe
John Gatins
Matt Winston
Kid Space Teacher
Jesse Heiman
Erik Rondell
Ruby Dee
Annie McCall
Philip Pavel
Overly Enthused Dad
Phil Reeves
Don Parker
Bunny Levine
Woman on Pier
Tracy Mulholland
Young Student
Darcy Rose Byrnes
10 Year Old Girl
David Burke
Gil Reed
Kamala Jones
Hotel Employee
Sarah Scott Davis
Young Annie
Jeff Kahn
Leonard Earl Howze
Brian R. Norris
Kaius Harrison
Rotund Man
Steven M. Gagnon
Emanuel Ragsdale
Tyler McCall
Robert LeQuang
Starbucks Customer
Michael G. Wilkinson
Starbucks Customer
Lyndsey Nelson
Starbucks Customer
Michael Cody Gilbert
Starbucks Customer
Lou Saliba
Mitchell Fink
Male Agent
Bethany Dwyer
Raquel Bell
Kid Space Mom
Katheryn Cain
Lauren Schuchman
Eshaya Draper
Young Jack

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