Romance Drama Comedy
Haniyeh has not seen her father since childhood and therefore does not know how it looks and forced her father's friend Esmat Al-Darmali to lie to her and tell her that he is her father Esmat Al-Damanhouri instead of her real father, and therefore Haniyeh continues to treat Esmat Al-Darmali as his father.
Directed by
Niazi Mostafa
Rushdy Abaza
عصمت الدرملي
Abdel Ghani El Nagdi
زبون الكازينو
Soad Hosny
Mahmoud Rashad
Fouad Al-Mohandes
Rushdy ElMahdy
Madiha Yousri
Mohamed Fawzi
Said Abou Bakr
عصمت الدمنهوري
Khayria Sadki
Anwar Madkour
ElTokhy Tawfiq
Abdel Nabi Mohamed

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