Action Comedy TV Movie
A stunt car racing team gets involved in a madcap cross-country auto race that is supposed to determine the disposition of a family fortune.
Directed by
Jack Starrett
Written by
Rick Kellard, Bob Comfort
Maud Adams
Vikki Lee Sanchez
William Daniels
Lawrence Stepwell III
Charles Napier
Big Bob Johnson
Constance Forslund
Julie Hunsacker
Rick Hurst
Timothy Stepwell
Burton Gilliam
Half-Moon Muldoon
Stafford Morgan
Customer in Bar
George Buck Flower
Sylvia Kuumba Williams
Mrs. Drakel
Robert Stoneman
W.G. Blazer
Tom McFadden
Clay Tanner
James Bond III
Jean Mayre
Brother Dave Gardner
Rev. Garnett

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