Horror Thriller
After the death of her Grandmother, Jane Dormant travels to the family’s remote, ancestral home hoping to receive a large inheritance. When Jane’s estranged, half-sister Jennifer arrives at Hobbes House to claim her part of the estate, the sisters’ simmering hate breaks out completely. But then a violent, unexpected storm cuts the estate off from outside help and a wave of bloodthirsty zombies lays siege. Now the sisters have to learn how to fight back together.
Directed by
Juliane Block
Written by
Wolf-Peter Arand
Makenna Guyler
Jennifer Dormant
Jo Price
Eurydice Saul
Kevin Leslie
Nigel Thatcher
Waleed Elgadi
Naser Mohammedin
Emma Spurgin Hussey
Aunt Alexandra
Mhairi Calvey
Jane Dormant
Emma Hughes

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