Drama Animation History
A boy finds a strange object while playing hide-and-seek. His grandfather tells him the story of his own youth, and the important role the old lamp played. This story is about the modernization of Japan and the changes that came with it.
Directed by
Teiichi Takiguchi
Hiroshi Kamiya
巳之助 (voice)
Risa Shimizu
セツ (voice)
Yuzuru Fujimoto
巳之助 - 老年期 (voice)
Ikuko Tani
万屋の婆さん (voice)
Mana Hirata
東一 (voice)
Mitsuru Ogata
ランプ屋の主人 (voice)
Kazuaki Ito
区長 (voice)
Tomo Saeki
巳之助 - 13歳 (voice)

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