Drama Romance Thriller
Jaakko and Sirpa have never met face to face, but talk on the phone every day. When Jaakko hears news about Sirpa's declining health, he decides to go meet her in another city. It's not the easiest decision, because he's blind and paralyzed from the chest down - and he has to make the journey alone. To get there, Jaakko must rely on the help of five strangers. What could go wrong?
Directed by
Teemu Nikki
Written by
Teemu Nikki
Hannamaija Nikander
Wilkes / Ratched
Samuli Jaskio
Mr. Scorpions
Tuomas Uusitalo
Matti Onnismaa
Marjaana Maijala
Rami Rusinen
Minttu Mustakallio
Petri Poikolainen
Lassi Poikolainen
Runner / Guard
Kimmo Vehviläinen
Radio host
Suvi Hartlin
Radio host
Teemu Kanerva
Taxi driver
Erika Säilynkangas
A woman in red
Leino Kaspar Sandhu
A child on a train

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