Romance Comedy Drama
When she fails to meet an item on his list of requirements for a bride, Julia Thistlewaite is jilted by London’s most eligible bachelor, Mr. Malcolm. Feeling humiliated and determined to exact revenge, she convinces her friend Selina Dalton to play the role of his ideal match. Soon, Mr. Malcolm wonders whether he’s found the perfect woman...or the perfect hoax.
Directed by
Emma Holly Jones
Theo James
Captain Henry Ossory
Ashley Park
Gertie Covington
Freida Pinto
Selina Dalton
Naoko Mori
Mrs. Thistlewaite
Danielle Ryan
Lady Margaret
Zawe Ashton
Julia Thistlewaite
Sophie Vavasseur
Lady Gwyneth Amberton
Sope Dirisu
Jeremy Malcolm
Paul Tylak
Mr. Dalton
Dawn Bradfield
Mrs. Dalton
Oliver Jackson-Cohen
Lord Cassidy
Divian Ladwa
Derek Carroll
Doña Croll
Lady Kilbourne
Gerry O'Brien
Mr. Woodbury
Thomas Joseph Lawlor
Lord ‘Handsome Man’ Ellison

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