Animation Drama Family History
Early 20th century, in the Ughetto family's home village, Ughettera, Northern Italy. Life in the region had become very difficult and the Ughettos dreamed of a better life abroad. Legend has it that Luigi Ughetto crossed the Alps and started a new life in France, thus changing his beloved family's destiny forever. His grandson retraces their story.
Directed by
Alain Ughetto
Written by
Anne Paschetta, Alain Ughetto, Alexis Galmot
Ariane Ascaride
Cesira (voice)
Laura Devoti
Louna (voice)
Carlo Ferrante
Le rebouteux (voice)
Pascal Gimenez
Un recruteur / Un contremaître (voice)
Jacques Chambon
Un brancardier / Un contremaître / Un géomètre (voice)
Stefano Paganini
Luigi (voice)
Diego Giuliani
Antonio / Luigi (voice)
Christophe Gatto
Giuseppe / Severino (voice)
Laurent Pasquier
Vincent (voice)
Angelo Rinna
Padre (voice)
Aude Carpintieri
Giuseppina / Marie-Cécile (voice)
Thierry Buenafuente
René, un brancardier (voice)
Gaia Saitta
Une nonne (voice)
Moritz Korff
Un soldat allemand (voice)
Martin Prill
Un soldat allemand (voice)
Waléry Doumenc
Un contremaître recruteur (voice)

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