Drama History
In her public persona, Eleanor “Tussy” Marx was a translator, actress, a children’s rights activist and a persuasive labour organizer, a tireless powerhouse determined to carry on her father’s work. She held her own with twentieth century gods, including both her father and his colleague Engels. In her privately life, however, she was vulnerable and her attraction to the self-indulgent and self-important Edward Aveling led her into misery and ultimately proved fatal.
Directed by
Susanna Nicchiarelli
Written by
Susanna Nicchiarelli
Romola Garai
Eleanor 'Tussy' Marx
Barney White
John Gordon Sinclair
Friedrich Engels
Freddy Drabble
Havelock Ellis
Oliver Chris
Felicity Montagu
Helene Demuth
Patrick Kennedy
Edward Aveling
Emma Cunniffe
Laura Marx
Karina Fernandez
Olive Schreiner
Christoph Hülsen
German socialist
Georgina Sadler
Bruce McGuire
Conference man
Alexandra Lewis
Edward's young wife
Marco Quaglia
Maria Vera Ratti
Jenny Marx
Katie McGovern
Orphanage comrade
Lucio Patané
George Arrendell
Paul Lafargue
David Kirk Traylor
Broncho John
Clelia Rossi Marcelli
Young Eleanor
Célestin Ryelandt
Johnny Longuet
Marco Fabbri
Charles Longuet
Michael Fitzpatrick
Max Viale
Magician's assistant
Elisabeth McCreton
Conference woman
Gabrielle Chiararo
Woman worker sigar factory
Pamela Jane Eastwood
Woman unionist coat factory
Julian Maerten
Henry 4 y.o.
Stevie Raine
Edoardo Giardini
Factory boy
Sofia Pauly
Sick woman
Annika Serong
Louise Kautsky
Philippe Gadziola
Louise's husband
John Dobrynine
Engels' doctor
Francis Pardeilhan
Bearded man
Ludovico Benedetti
Henry 10 y.o.
Stéphane Lodzia-Brodzki
French doctor
Jay Natelle
Margherita Attorre
Young Laura Marx
Serena Alfieri

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