Animation Adventure Mystery
A photojournalist's obsessive quest for the truth about the first expedition to Mt. Everest leads him to search for an esteemed climber who went missing.
Directed by
Patrick Imbert
Written by
Magali Pouzol
Elisabeth Ventura
Ryoko (voice)
Gauthier Battoue
Young Inoué (voice)
Marc Arnaud
Hase (voice)
Luc Bernard
Ito (voice)
Céline Ronté
François Dunoyer
Ang Tsering (voice)
Philippe Vincent
Chief Editor (voice)
Jérôme Keen
Old Inoué (voice)
Damien Boisseau
Fukamichi (voice)
Kylian Rehlinger
Kishi (voice)
Éric Herson-Macarel
Old Habu (voice)
Lazare Herson-Macarel
Young Habu (voice)

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