Horror Comedy
In Victorian-Era England, a Parish Councillor and criminal take refuge from a storm, at a remote countryside Inn. Forced to stay the night, they soon uncover a deadly pact between the strange Innkeepers and the flesh-hungry werewolves that inhabit the surrounding woodlands... now, as the werewolves close in, the guests must band together and fight tooth and nail to survive the night!
Directed by
Charlie Steeds
Written by
Charlie Steeds
James Swanton
Rory Wilton
Bernard Bagley
Natalie Martins
Tim Cartwright
Horrace Raycraft
Derek Nelson
Barrington De La Roche
Vincent Hogwood
Reece Connolly
Archie Whittock
Mark McKirdy
Reverend Pankhurst
Jéssica Alonso
Emma Spurgin Hussey
Martha Hogwood
Kate Davies-Speak
Female Victim
Joel Rothwell
Male Victim
Jamie Speak

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