Comedy Romance
Udo is invisible - no one ever seems to notice him. He makes the most of it, working as a department store detective and living off other people's lives as they never notice him tagging along. Until he meets the one woman who sees him.
Directed by
Markus Sehr
Written by
Clemente Fernandez-Gil, Markus Sehr
Jan-Gregor Kremp
Mr. Weber
Piet Fuchs
Fritzi Haberlandt
Hans Martin Stier
Funeral Home Director
Kari Ketonen
Mr. Sallinen
Kurt Krömer
Carsten Strauch
Petra Nadolny
Rich Thief
Johanna Gastdorf
Mrs. Weber
Maja Beckmann
Bernd Moss
Daniel Drewes
Man in Taxi
Steffen Will
Man at Aquarium
Anna Hilgedieck
Breast Pump Woman (uncredited)
Heinz W. Krückeberg
Filter Paper Grandfather
Rolf Berg
Nedjo Osman
Amanda's Admirer
Thierry Liebing
Young Udo
Andreas Windhuis
Homeless Man
Markus Klauk
Tour de France Man
Wiebke Pannhausen
Department Store Saleslady
Fritz Hornak
George Schneider
Cheese Thief
Christopher Becker
Waving Man in Sports Department
Liliya Levkovich
Girl in Espresso Bar
Elena Kopilevich
Mother in Espresso Bar
Jean-Michel Vildeui
Man in Espresso Bar
Hartmut Heidrich
Night Watchman
Julia Scherlitz
Kiss Girl
Ute Moser
Nicki's Mother
Gert Wergner
Gerd Arlef
Researcher in Documentary Intro
Jürgen Ütz
Subject in Documentary Intro
Wolfgang Rüter
Narrator in Documentary Intro (voice)
Thomas Friebe
TV Announcer (voice)
Karlotta Schüller

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