Drama Comedy
Wealthy Jarvis Pendleton acts as benefactor for orphan Judy Abbott, anonymously sponsoring her in her boarding school. But as she grows up, he finds himself falling in love with her, and she with him, though she does not know that the man she has fallen for is her benefactor.
Directed by
Marshall Neilan
Mary Pickford
Judy Abbott
Betty Bouton
Julia Pendleton
Frankie Lee
Milla Davenport
Mrs. Lippett
Jeanne Carpenter
Fred Huntley
Mahlon Hamilton
Jarvis Pendleton
Joan Marsh
Estelle Evans
Lillian Langdon
Mrs. Pendleton
Wesley Barry
Orphan Boy (uncredited)
Percy Haswell
Miss Pritchard (as Miss Percy Haswell)
Fay Lemport
Audrey Chapman
Sallie McBride
Carrie Clark Ward
Mrs. Semple (as Carrie Clark Warde)

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