Animation Fantasy
Nahuel lives with his father in a fishing town, yet he has a deep fear of the sea. One day, he finds a magical book that seems to be the solution to this problem, but a dark sorcerer is after it and captures Nahuel's father. This is where his journey to rescue his father and overcome his fears begins.
Directed by
Germán Acuña
Written by
Juan Pablo Sepúlveda, Germán Acuña
Sergio Schmied
Trauco (voice)
Consuelo Pizarro
Nahuel (voice)
Vanesa Silva
Consuelo / Raiquén / Huenchur / Mrs. Hilda (voice)
Jorge Lillo
Antonio / Chon-Chon / Rorro / Guardian (voice)
Sebastian Dupont
Ruende / Calfunao (voice)
Marcelo Liapiz
Kalku (voice)
Sandro Larenas
Elzaíno (voice)

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