Action Drama
Celebrating the 25th anniversary of the first WWE In Your House PPV event, the 29th NXT TakeOver event will take place at Full Sail University in Winter Park Florida.
Demi Bennett
Rhea Ripley
Elizabeth Chihaia
John Gargano
Johnny Gargano
Ashley Fliehr
Charlotte Flair
Cheree Crowley
Dakota Kai
Tommaso Whitney
Tommaso Ciampa
Kevin Kesar
Karrion Kross
Candice LeRae
Candice LeRae
Keith Lee
Austin Jenkins
Adam Cole
Steffanie Newell
Tegan Nox
Masami Odate
Io Shirai
Ashley Urbanski
Shotzi Blackheart
Stephanie Hym Lee
Mia Yim
Raquel Rodriguez
Raquel Gonzalez
Patrick Clark
Velveteen Dream

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