Mystery Horror Thriller
In 1965 New England, a troubled girl encounters mysterious happenings in the woods surrounding an isolated girls school that she was sent to by her estranged parents.
Directed by
Lucky McKee
Rachel Nichols
Samantha Wise
Bruce Campbell
Joe Fasulo
Patricia Clarkson
Mrs. Traverse
Marcia Bennett
Mrs. Mackinaw
Lauren Birkell
Marcy Turner
Agnes Bruckner
Heather Fasulo
Emma Campbell
Alice Fasulo
Gordon Currie
Cary Lawrence
Ms. Charevoix
Melissa Altro
Barb (as Missy Altro)
Kathleen Mackey
Ann Whales
Jude Beny
School Nurse
Catherine Colvey
Ms. Leland
Jane Gilchrist
Ms. Cross
Colleen Williams
Ms. Arbor

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