Action Drama Family TV Movie
The story of the 1980 United States Olympic hockey players, a group of amateurs from around the country who were whipped into a cohesive unit by controversial coach Herb Brooks to win a gold medal at Lake Placid during the winter games.
Directed by
Steven Hilliard Stern
Steve Guttenberg
Jim Craig
Jessica Walter
Pat Brooks
Peter Horton
Jack O'Callahan
Karl Malden
Herb Brooks
Eugene Roche
Don Craig
Steve Bond
Reporter #2
Jerry Houser
Lee Auge
Paul Micale
Mr. Eruzione
James Brown
Reporter #1
Allan Miller
Rick Dano
Dave Silk
Jack Blessing
Mark Pavelich
Ken Stovitz
Rob McClanahan
Frank Birney
Mr. Sears
John Lupton
Paul Anderson
Michael Cavanaugh
Robert F. Lyons
Thomas F. Duffy
Dave Christian
Al Michaels
Al Michaels
David Wallace
Bill Baker
Lillian Müller
Robert Pierce
Craig Patrick
Lucinda Dooling
Thomas Babson
Steve Thompson
Michael Cumming
Mark Johnson
Scott Feraco
Ken Morrow
John Lansing
Ed Paradis
Brian Mozur
Ralph Cox
Steve Schulefand
Jack Hughes
Douglas Werner
John Grazier
Barry Michlin
The Doctor
Eldon Quick
Bank Officer
Nora Gaye
Thompson's Girl
Joseph Cardinale
Bob Basso
Ted Zeigler
Drunk in Bar
Clint Young
Man in Bar
Jesse Logan
Tom Kindle

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