Comedy Romance
Hard-to-crack ex-CIA man Jack Byrnes and his wife Dina head for the warmer climes of Florida to meet the parents of their son-in-law-to-be, Greg Focker. Unlike their happily matched offspring, the future in-laws find themselves in a situation of opposites that definitely do not attract.
Directed by
Jay Roach
Robert De Niro
Jack Byrnes
Owen Wilson
Kevin Rawley
Dustin Hoffman
Bernie Focker
Ben Stiller
Greg Focker
Teri Polo
Pam Byrnes
Jack Plotnick
Rent-a-Car Agent
Vahe Bejan
Gunther - Immigrant Man
Tim Blake Nelson
Officer LeFlore
Blythe Danner
Dina Byrnes
Alanna Ubach
Isabel Villalobos
Barbra Streisand
Rozalin Focker
Cedric Yarbrough
Prison Guard
J.P. Manoux
Local Cop
Kali Rocha
Flight Attendant
Ray Santiago
Jorge Villalobos
Max Hoffman
Woody Focker
Kathleen Gati
Venka - Immigrant Woman
Dorie Barton
Airline Clerk
Victoria Chalaya
Pam's Cousin (uncredited)
Angelo Tiffe
Shelley Berman
Judge Ira
Allan Kolman
Harry Focker (uncredited)
Wendy Hoffmann
Bobbi Page
Wayne Thomas Yorke
Airport Security Guard
R. Martin Klein
Mo Focker (uncredited)
Bernadette Pérez
Girl Bus Driver
Myra Turley
Admitting Nurse
Linda O'Neil
Girl on Bus
Roberto Garcia
Karen-Eileen Gordon
Anita Focker (uncredited)
Jimmy Star
Party Guest (uncredited)
Tiffany Turner
Girl on Bus
David Zimmerman
Dom Focker (uncredited)
Scottie Haskell
Chris Mala
Wedding Guest (uncredited)
Spencer Pickren
Little Jack 'L.J.' Byrnes
Bradley Pickren
Little Jack 'L.J.' Byrnes
B.J. Hansen
Kyle T. McNamee
Undercover Waiter
Benjamin Trueblood
Newborn Baby
Rock Deadrick
Wedding Band
David Sutton
Wedding Band
John Carey
Party Guest (uncredited)
Angela Casassa
Girl at Wedding (uncredited)
Alfredo Dalmano
Party Guest (uncredited)
Fabrizio Imas
Chicken Man (uncredited)
Angie Jaree
Bunny Focker (uncredited)
Sarah Kane
Senior Yoga Class Attendee (uncredited)
Sean LoGrasso
Party Guest (uncredited)
Connie Richmond
Frida Focker (uncredited)
Antonio Rufino
Waiter (uncredited)
Scott Stewart
Pedestrian (uncredited)
Jeff Scott Hall
Amanda Bromberg
Charles Page
Bill Willens
Barrett Gregory
Guy Hietala

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