Drama War History
This expansive Greek drama follows a troupe of theater actors as they perform around their country during World War II. While the production that they put on is entitled "Golfo the Shepherdess," the thespians end up echoing scenes from classic Greek tales in their own lives, as Elektra plots revenge on her mother for the death of her father, and seeks help from her brother, Orestes, a young anti-fascist rebel.
Directed by
Theo Angelopoulos
Stratos Pahis
Elektra's Father
Nena Menti
Vasilis Tsaglos
Town Crier
Vangelis Kazan
Aliki Georgouli
Elektra's Mother
Eva Kotamanidou
Dimitris Kamberidis
Thanos Grammenos
Maria Vassiliou
Petros Zarkadis
Giannis Fyrios
Kaiti Ibrohori
Giorgos Tzifos
Danis Katranidis
Grigoris Evangelatos
Christoforos Nezer
Kiriakos Katrivanos
Stelios Lionakis
Nina Papazaphiropoulou
Old Woman
Giorgos Mazis
Alekos Boubis
Old Man
Kostas Styliaris
Militia Leader
Costas Messaris
Yorgos Kafkas
Giannis Kafaloukos
Kostas Mandilas
Minas Konstantopoulos
Mary Antonopoulou
R. Ntinou
Babis Pisimisis
D. Peletis
Giorgos Koutiris
Son of Chrysothemis
T. Loudaros
Takis Doukakos
Prison Governor
Katerina Bourlou
Roza Neogeni
A. Johnson
Dimitris Mitsopoulos
Alexis Argyriou
Kostas Pavlou
Giorgos Verlis
Ketty Grigoratou
Spyros Stamatellos

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