Comedy Drama
Sheikh Hosny is a blind man who lives with his old mother and his frustrated son in the Kit Kat neighborhood. His son Youssef dreams of going to Europe to find work, and has a relationship with a divorced woman named Fatima. Sheikh Hosny refuses to admit his handicap and dreams of riding a motorcycle like every sighted person, he also spends his nights smoking hash with the locals in order to forget his miseries after the loss of his wife and selling his father's house.
Directed by
Daoud Abdel Sayed
Written by
Daoud Abdel Sayed
Aaidah Riyadh
Ahmed Kamal
Amina Rizk
Sheikh Hosny's mother
Gehan Nasr
Amal Ibrahim
Awateef - Umm Rawayh
Ali Hassanein
Sheikh Abied
Sherif Mounir
Nagah El-Mogui
Al Haram
Galeela Mahmoud
Fathia - wife of Usta Hassan
Mahmoud Abdel Aziz
Sheikh Hosny
Ahmed Sami Abdallah
Othman Abdel Monem
Nadia Shams El Dine
Umm Fatima
Salah Sadeq
Mohamed Gibreel
Usta Hassan
Helmy Abdel Wahab

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