Action Adventure Drama
In Afghanistan, the ruthless sport of buzkashi is a game of great pride. When Uraz breaks his leg and loses a spirited match, he brings shame to his village, especially his father. After losing his leg below the knee, Uraz, to regain his honor, must learn to ride again and win with a special, one-of-a-kind horse.
Directed by
John Frankenheimer
Omar Sharif
Jack Palance
Vernon Dobtcheff
Zam Hajji
Tom Tryon
Saeed Jaffrey
District Chief
Peter Jeffrey
Leigh Taylor-Young
Alan Webb
Gardi Gay (uncredited)
Milton Reid
Aqqul (uncredited)
David de Keyser
Mukhi (uncredited)
George Murcell
Leon Lissek
Chikana Proprietor
Eric Pohlmann
Merchant in Kandahar
Despo Diamantidou
Uljan (uncredited)
Mark Colleano
Ricardo Palacios
Ghulam (uncredited)
Salmaan Peerzada
Randell Dennis Widner
José Luis Chinchilla
Head Syce (uncredited)
Carlos Casaravilla
Messenger (uncredited)
Jesús Tordesillas
Little Governor (uncredited)
Srinanda De
John Ruddock
Aziz Resham
Bacha to Ghulam
Vida St. Romaine
Gypsy Woman
Florencio Amarilla
Arabian Man (uncredited)
Ishaq Bux
Amjad Kahn (uncredited)
P. De Quevedo
King (uncredited)
Mohammad Shamsi
Osman Bey (uncredited)
Sy Temple
Quadir (uncredited)
Juan Manuel Torres Gómez
Barbara Wain
Nurse (uncredited)
Chuck Hayward

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