Action Sci-Fi Comedy
When an underhanded pharmaceutical company goes to a remote tropical island to steal King Kong for advertising purposes, they get more than they bargained for when the gigantic ape attacks an unsuspecting village and an enormous octopus.
Directed by
Ishirō Honda, Thomas Montgomery
Written by
Bruce Howard, Paul Mason
Jun Tazaki
General Masami Shinzo (uncredited)
Yoshio Kosugi
Farou Island Chief (uncredited)
George Takei
Osamu Sakurai (voice)
Akemi Negishi
Chikiro's Mother (Dancing Girl) (uncredited)
Yū Fujiki
Kinsaburo Furue
Akihiko Hirata
Dr. Shigezawa (uncredited)
Tadao Takashima
Osamu Sakurai
Mie Hama
Fumiko Sakurai (uncredited)
Kenji Sahara
Kazuo Fujita
Harry Holcombe
Dr. Arnold Johnson
Ichirō Arishima
Mr. Tako
Byron Morrow
Ikio Sawamura
Witch Doctor (uncredited)
Les Tremayne
Commander Roberts / General Masami Shinzo / Narrator (voice)
Shōichi Hirose
King Kong (uncredited)
Akiko Wakabayashi
Tamiye (uncredited)
Victor Millan
Rodrigo Infante (uncredited)
Katsumi Tezuka
Godzilla in iceberg (uncredited)
Haruo Nakajima
Godzilla (uncredited)
Kenzō Tabu
Dreary Newscaster (uncredited)
James Yagi
Yutaka Omura
Paul Howard
Misc. characters (voice)
Michael Keith
Eric Carter
Takashi Narita

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