Horror Comedy
A dejected bartender and an aging drag queen try to survive the eccentric and hostile nightlife of a corrupt city, as a masked maniac slaughters young gay men and drains them of blood.
Directed by
Christopher Dalpe, Brandon Perras, Michael J. Ahern
Written by
Christopher Dalpe, Brandon Perras, Michael J. Ahern
Linnea Quigley
Ride Share Driver
Ninny Nothin
Young Gloria Hole
Brandon Perras-Sanchez
Tony Two-Fingers
Wayne Gonsalves
Payton St. James
Gloria Hole
Sean Murphy
Detective Barry
Matthew Pidge
Janet Fitness
Neokti Feytal
Audrey Heartburn
Kelly Square
Lindsay Fuckingham
Jacqueline Dimera
Rosebud Cianci
Tradd Sanderson
Beige University Student
Mike Murphy
Michael Puppi
Go Go Boy
Ryan Miller

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