TV Movie Family Drama Comedy
Joseph, Matthew and Andrew Lawrence (TV's Brotherly Love) star in this thrilling, action-packed sequel to the Disney Channel Original Movie Horse Sense. It's first-class adventure on the high seas for Michael Woods (Joseph Lawrence) and his cousin (Andrew Lawrence) when they charter a private yacht for a fun-filled cruise off the coast of Australia. But the yacht turns out to be a broken-down fishing boat complete with rusting hull! When they find themselves being chased by modern-day pirates, they decide that Jumping Ship with the boat's captain Jake Hunter (Matthew Lawrence) is the only option. Stranded on a desert island without any conveniences from home, these three castaways must work together as a team if they hope to survive and be rescued.
Directed by
Michael Lange
Written by
Chad Hayes, Carey Hayes
Joey Lawrence
Michael Woods (as Joseph Lawrence)
Andrew Lawrence
Tommy Biggs
Stephen Collins
Susan Walters
Jules Biggs
Matthew Lawrence
Jake Hunter
Anthony Brandon Wong
Jack Heywood
Martin Dingle Wall
Jaime Passier-Armstrong
Stephen Burleigh
Glenn Woods
Todd William Worden
Mark Sanders (as Todd Worden)
Carly Movizio
Heather Hitt
Adrian De Vito
Limo Driver

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