Comedy Sci-Fi
Low-level bureaucrat Sam Lowry escapes the monotony of his day-to-day life through a recurring daydream of himself as a virtuous hero saving a beautiful damsel. Investigating a case that led to the wrongful arrest and eventual death of an innocent man instead of wanted terrorist Harry Tuttle, he meets the woman from his daydream, and in trying to help her gets caught in a web of mistaken identities, mindless bureaucracy and lies.
Directed by
Terry Gilliam
Robert De Niro
Harry Tuttle
John Flanagan
T.V. Interviewer / Salesman
Jonathan Pryce
Sam Lowry
Jim Broadbent
Dr. Jaffe
Ian Holm
Mr. Kurtzmann
Katherine Helmond
Mrs. Ida Lowry
Bob Hoskins
Kim Greist
Jill Layton
Michael Palin
Jack Lint
Nigel Planer
Charlie--Dept. of Works
Peter Vaughan
Mr. Helpmann
Don Henderson
First 'Black Maria' Guard
Simon Jones
Arrest Official
Terence Bayler
T.V. Commercial Presenter
Ray Cooper
Charles McKeown
Sheila Reid
Mrs. Buttle
Ian Richardson
Mr. Warrenn
Barbara Hicks
Mrs. Alma Terrain
Ary Barroso
Jack Purvis
Dr. Chapman
Bryan Pringle
Derek Deadman
Bill - Dept. of Works
Kathryn Pogson
David Gant
Interview Official
Harold Innocent
Interview Official
Gorden Kaye
M.O.I. Lobby Porter
Ralph Nossek
Interview Official
Bill Wallis
Bespectacled Lurker
Roger Ashton-Griffiths
Derrick O'Connor
Oscar Quitak
Interview Official
John Grillo
Interview Official
Howard Lew Lewis
Black Maria Guard
Brian Miller
Mr. Buttle
John Pierce Jones
Basement Guard
Myrtle Devenish
Typist in Jack's Office
Ann Way
Old Lady with Dog
James Coyle
Interview Official
Patrick Connor
Cell Guard
Elizabeth Spender
Alison / 'Barbara' Lint
Russell Keith Grant
Young Gallant at Funeral
Maggie Weston

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