Drama Romance
Anne is investigating the life of her grand-aunt Olivia, whose destiny has always been shrouded with scandal. As Anne delves into the history of her grand-aunt, she is led to reconsider her own life.
Directed by
James Ivory
Written by
Ruth Prawer Jhabvala
Greta Scacchi
Olivia Rivers
Julie Christie
Barry Foster
Major Minnies
Julian Glover
Shashi Kapoor
The Nawab
Christopher Cazenove
Douglas Rivers
Sajid Khan
Dacoit Chief
Patrick Godfrey
Dr Saunders
Nickolas Grace
Harry Hamilton-Paul
Amanda Walker
Lady Mackleworth
Ratna Pathak Shah
Charles McCaughan
Madhur Jaffrey
Begum Mussarat Jahan
Daniel Chatto
Party Guest
Jayant Kripalani
Dr Gopal
Susan Fleetwood
Mrs. Crawford
Jennifer Kendal
Mrs. Saunders
Tarla Mehta
Inder Lal's Mother
Praveen Paul
Sudha Chopra
Chief Princess

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