Horror Comedy
A military weapons manufacturer creates a chemical weapon that causes victims to become blood-lusting killers. A lab accident causes the building to go into lock-down and the employees are trapped inside with the crazed killers.
Directed by
Dan Lantz
Written by
Dan Lantz
Alexis Texas
Robb Stech
Lab Tech
Sarah Dewey
Jordana Leigh
Mutant Zombie
James Bagnell
Janice Marie
Catherine White
Amanda Scarano
Mutant Zombie
Elizabeth Mcdonald
Mutant Zombie
Lauren Todd
Libby the Temp
Justus White
Office Security Guard
Chris Ready
Lab Tech
Jerry Cartier
Kevin Chick
Mutant Zombie
Michael Kelberg
Mutant Zombie
Christian Aragon
Mutant Zombie
Bill Munich
Mutant Zombie
Keith Lerner
Mutant Zombie
Jeremy Cruts
Mutant Zombie
Howard Tyson
Mutant Zombie
Danny Knight

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