Drama Adventure Western
In the time of the "cangaceiros" in the badlands of the Northeast of Brazil, the cruel Captain Galdino Ferreira and his band abduct the schoolteacher Olívia, expecting to receive a ransom for her. However, one of his men, Teodoro, falls in love and flees with her through the arid backcountry chased by the brigands.
Directed by
Lima Barreto
Written by
Lima Barreto
Marisa Prado
Vanja Orico
Maria Clódia
Adoniran Barbosa
Mané Mole
Alberto Ruschel
Milton Ribeiro
Capitão Galdino Ferreira
Rachel de Queiroz
Zé do Norte
Ze, the singing outlaw
Ricardo Campos
Nieta Junqueira

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