Action Adventure Sci-Fi
In the aftermath events of GARO: Chapter of the Black Wolf, Saejima Kouga sets out to the northern district upon reassignment. While hunting down Horrors, a young priestess named Rin informs Kouga that she's been sent by Priest Amon to save a presumed dead friend in the Makai realm within Kantai, Jabi. Kouga teams up with Rin in a quest to save Jabi as they are hindered by supernatural and Makai forces alike. Meanwhile somewhere in Japan the dark Horror lord Legules was resurrected and plots a means to alter a supernatural event called White Night within Kantai to plunge the world into darkness with his "family." It's the final chapter of GARO as Kouga puts his life on the line to save Jabi and defeat Legules before the world is ruined.
Directed by
Keita Amemiya
Ai Orikasa
Silva (voice)
Kenichi Ogata
Goruba (voice)
Yukijiro Hotaru
Hiroyuki Watanabe
Taiga Saejima
Akaji Maro
Makai Priest Amon
Mika Hijii
Kaoru Mitsuki
Yasue Sato
Ryosei Konishi
Kouga Saejima
Ray Fujita
Rei Suzumura
Masashi Hirose
Legules (voice)
Kazue Tsunogae
Makai Priest Garai
Mark Musashi
Shouma Yamamoto
Tsubasa Yamagatana
Yuzumi Shibamoto
Rin Yamagatana
Ryuusei Sawahata
Young Kouga Saejima
Minoru Tomita
Noboru Yasunaga
Junko Tashiro
Rin Saejima
Okuda Yukari
Makai Tree (voice)
Mizuho Yoshida

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